Utilize cutting-edge technology and enhance the classroom experience of your educational institution
Approved by leading organizations in their segments
Change the way you engage with students and track their learning evolution in real-time while introducing them into the job market
Move-up the level of your classes
Increase faculty performance
Enhance student engagement and learning
Reduce school dropout rates
Accelerate student's employability
Plagiarism detection system to prevent fraud
Unlimited registration of students, subjects, and assignments
Create competitions, tournaments, and contests
Use visual programming techniques
Configure subjects, assignments, and exams
Access through the web browser, no additional infrastructure needed
Create and send custom exercises or use ready-made templates
Provide a new learning experience
One of the fastest-growing developer communities in the world
How It Works
Everything in one place
Programming Languages, Frameworks, Software Packages, and Much More…
Automatic registration of students and subjects on beecrowd platform with your LMS data
Students and professors use the same access credentials from your LMS to log into beecrowd
With the most commonly used LMS systems through standard connectors
Access exercises and activities lists directly from the LMS
Grades and exercise results automatically migrate from beecrowd to the LMS
Exercises, challenges, subjects, and task lists among professors in your educational institution
Authorize and control professors' and monitors' access to beecrowd easily and quickly
Learn more about beecrowd
We are a community-driven professional services digital platform
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Unlocking the Potencial of LATAM Tech Talent: Nearshoring Opportunities to Drive Innovation