Be the Owner of Your Career

Join brilliant minds and be among the world’s top developers

Join the community that takes you to the next level

Learn by practicing real coding challenges at your own pace, join contests, win prizes, develop your creativity, logical and analytical thinking to avoid being easily replaced by a robot/AI, have fun, and find your ideal job. How could it get any better than this?

Meet some distinguished beecrowders

beecrowd was the first online judge I met. What started as a tool to carry out university activities, became my first base of studies for programming competitions, allowing me to reach an international competition and make a good networking to start my professional career.
Felipe Mota
I would like to express my gratitude to beecrowd for all the support during my job relocation process. From the very beginning, I received valuable guidance, practical tools, and personalized support that helped me prepare for each stage, boosting my confidence and highlighting my skills to secure the desired position. Even after achieving this goal, beecrowd continues to stand by my side, offering support in the transition to the new work environment and ensuring that I have the necessary resources to thrive. This ongoing care demonstrates their commitment to the success of every professional. Thank you so much for everything!
Murilo Simionato Arnemann
Firmware Engineer – Qubika
beecrowd was a turning point in my career. Besides helping me grow technically and opening doors to an incredible international opportunity, the company's support has been crucial in helping me adapt to the new work environment. Dealing with cultural differences can be tricky, but the beecrowd team was always there, guiding me and helping me understand these nuances. What makes all the difference is the care that beecrowd puts into every detail, going far beyond the technical aspects. They truly care about ensuring that we feel prepared and comfortable, not just with the work but also with the environment. This gave me much more confidence to face this challenge.
Tiago Lelis
Technical Support Engineer – Indium Software
My first experience with beecrowd was in 2020 while doing programming exercises to improve my grade at FATEC-SJC college. Practicing every day, after 2 years, I got ranked 1st place in the platform's ranking and today I work as a Software Engineer at isaac, a company where the CTO met me through beecrowd. It was worth the effort to solve each exercise over the last few years.
Wesley Dias
I discovered the beecrowd platform during my undergraduate studies on algorithms, in early 2016. With it I was challenged to learn new content, in addition to the normal curriculum, which helped me to develop logical thinking and prepare myself for programming marathons and for the labor market.
Gustavo Policarpo
My first contact with beecrowd was in 2014 when I started training for programming competitions. It was by practicing at the platform that I developed the desire to learn more about algorithms. This curiosity made me choose to take a master's degree in graph theory and computational complexity. In addition to that, by practicing at beecrowd I also prepared myself to do interviews at the big techs.
Diego Rangel
beecrowd platform is a great tool for those who want to learn programming or practice competitive programming. Anyone from beginners to experienced programmers can benefit. There is a huge repository of information and a lot to learn from there that can help those who want to advance their career in software programming.
Md. Mehedi Hassan
Noman Group of Industries
My first contact with beecrowd was in 2019. After understanding the platform's scoring system, where each challenge solved is scored by programming language, I solved approximately 450 challenges in more than 12 languages each and managed to reach 1st place in the ranking. I like to program and learn new languages and I found this score by programming language very interesting.
Mozar Baptista da Silva
I have been using beecrowd platform since 2017, for my personal learning of programming languages, structures and algorithms. As a teaching tool, the platform is very effective in motivating students to program, learning algorithms and data structures, always focusing on good code performance.
Ricardo Vargas Dorneles
Universidade de Caxias do Sul

High Demand

Companies around the world are looking for Tech Talent specialized in high-demand areas

Software Development

Data Science

Cloud Computing

Artificial Intelligence

How does beecrowd work?

How does the vetting process work?

Through a gamified process, we engage our users to take on code challenges and join contests and tournaments, thus assessing their technical skills in a natural and enjoyable way

User base

100% of our users have access to the competitive programming platform and our code challenges that measure their technical skills, logical, and analytical abilities

Step 1

We conduct online interviews and technical assessments that complement the information collected by beecrowd platform

Step 2

Language tests are conducted to assess user's oral and written proficiency

Step 3

1% of users who pass all the steps are pre-qualified and become available in our Talent Cloud to work with companies

Practice, learn, and find your dream Job

Everything in one place

Technologies that beecrowders know

Programming Languages, Frameworks, Software Packages, and Much More…

What the Devs have been saying about beecrowd...

Have Fun Coding! Start Today!

Join competitions, contests, tournaments, and win prizes

The Largest Competitive Programming and Online Code Judgement Platform in Latin America

One of the fastest-growing developer communities in the world

+ 0 M
code challenges
+ 0
represented countries
+ 0
challenges solved
+ 0 M

How It Works

Competitive Programming significantly enhances developers' skills

Enhanced ability to deliver results under pressure
Fosters creative thinking
Stimulates agility in development
Greater understanding of algorithm application
Improved analytical and problem-solving skills
Higher quality of generated code
Improved self-assessment and comparison with others
Increased focus capacity

Job market

Become the expert you always dreamed of being

Find camaraderie, support, expert help, inspiration, and professional growth to climb the career ladder

Level up, grow and shine in your career

Great professional opportunities

Earn money with part-time or full-time jobs

Expand your impact on society

Have fun coding!
Get started today!

Train algorithms and coding challenges, level up, grow and shine in your career

Plan yourself

Schedule of Contests and Tournaments

Learn more about beecrowd

We are a community-driven professional services digital platform

Social Responsibility

Frequently Asked Questions
How do I join the beecrowd community? Is there any cost for this?
To join the beecrowd community, simply create an account on our talent platform. Once your account is created, fill out your user profile, where you can list all your professional and educational experience. In your user profile, you’ll also have the option to indicate if you’re open to working as an independent contractor or if you’re open to job opportunities. beecrowd does not charge any fees for tech talent to use the platform. Once inside the community, you’ll also have access to code challenges, tournaments, and competitive programming competitions. Have fun!
Once I'm part of the beecrowd community, will I start receiving emails and phone calls from recruiters?
No! Here at beecrowd, everyone is free to use the platform without being bothered. We only consider in our internal selection processes for our talent cloud and in client selection processes, those beecrowders who have activated in their user profiles the options that they are open to work as independent contractors or are open to recruitment. Your career control is in your hands!

I'm a student and I'm only here on beecrowd because my professor asked me to register. What do I gain from this?

A bunch of things! Firstly, if your professors use the beecrowd platform in your course, it’s because they take your learning seriously. Good educators know that a successful developer needs to be very good at logic, algorithms, and problem-solving, in addition to simply memorizing programming language commands. You’ll have the opportunity to complete the exercises your professor assigns, and you’ll also have access to all the other features of the platform, including tournaments, competitions, and even getting your internship or first job.
Are all users who register on the platform eligible to work for clients through beecrowd's talent cloud?
In order for you to be eligible to work with beecrowd for our clients, you’ll first need to go through a vetting process. This process involves logical and programming tests, technical evaluations, language tests, and an online interview. Only beecrowders who pass all stages of the vetting process are part of our talent cloud. Your ranking on beecrowd, the code challenges you solve, your participation in tournaments and competitive programming competitions on the platform are also used in your vetting process, as they provide us with information about how you program and which programming languages you use. Thus, the more you use the beecrowd platform to practice and compete, the greater your chances of qualifying to join our talent cloud.
What types of job opportunities will I find on beecrowd? How much can I earn?

Once approved to work through our talent cloud, you’ll have access to 100% remote part-time (20 hours/week) or full-time (40 hours/week) job opportunities. The average duration of work contracts is 3 to 24 months, but it can extend beyond that. The working model can be either as an independent contractor or as a full-time remote employee. If the model is that of an independent contractor, you’ll receive your payment in US dollars or, in some specific countries, in local currency. If the model defined by the client is that of a full-time remote employee, your payment will always be in the local currency of your country. Generally, the rates/hours paid by our clients vary considerably and will depend mainly on your seniority, the languages you speak, and the technologies you know.


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