Reading is important for programmers because it helps them to be more productive. It also helps them stay up to date with the latest technologies and trends in the programming industry.
Reading is one of the most important skills for a programmer in this age of information overload. It helps them gain a deep understanding of a subject and be able to work on it, as well as keep them updated about industry trends and news.
It is also essential for a developer’s professional lifelong learning. In this sense, programmers can look for books that focus on new technologies, frameworks, programming languages and other tools that they may not be familiar. It’s also interesting to read about common mistakes programmers make.
In this article, see some of the main bibliographic references for software developers that we suggest and what are the benefits of this type of reading for the professional’s career.
Recommended books for programmers
Books are an integral part of the learning process. They provide an in-depth look at the subject and serve as a helpful guide to help you learn.
When it comes to the technology sector, reading renowned books becomes indispensable for any professional who wants to acquire more knowledge and baggage, mainly because it is an area in constant change and, therefore, staying up to date is extremely important.
Below, a list of recommended books for programmers:

Pragmatic Programmer (Andrew Hunt & David Thomas)
This book presents some of the best practices and pitfalls of software development that a professional may encounter.
The good thing about this book is that it can reach a very wide audience of people who are connected in some way with the programming industry, from beginners to experienced programmers.
The book, written by Andrew Hunt and David Thomas, points out some of the key lessons focused on improving personal productivity, accuracy, and job satisfaction.

Algoritmos e Estruturas de Dados (Portuguese Only) (Guimarães & Lages)
This book is perfect for those who are starting in the area and want to acquire more knowledge about the basic modules of the programming course. It introduces the reader to a programming discipline and a tool for specifying and developing algorithms.
We can say that this book in question is the result of an introductory teaching experience in Computer Science, carried out at the Department of Computer Science (DCC) of the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG).
Because of this, it is essential for beginners, as the book is the product of an introductory academic experience. In addition, the book is directly related to some exercises and tests used in the introductory courses of the basic cycle of the Institute of Exact Sciences (ICEx) at UFMG and in the bachelor’s degree in Computer Science classes.

Introduction to Algorithms (Thomas Cormen)
Known as the bible of algorithms, this is a must-read for every tech professional. This book is a world reference on the subject.
The book also has practical exercises and solving them is a great challenge that will make you develop even more in your profession as a developer.

Java How to Program (Paul Deitel & Harvey Deitel)
This is a classic and one of the main book references for programming students and professionals already graduated. Paul and Harvey Deitel have reached millions of people with their books and are responsible for sharing programming knowledge with many students.
The book, which is now in its 10th edition, gives the reader a clear, simple, and fun introduction to Java programming with an initial emphasis on objects. Its content includes several fundamentals, such as: classes and objects; use with Java SE 7, SE 8 or both; lambdas, functional flows and interfaces, graphics and multimedia.

Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship (Robert C. Martin)
This is a classic of programming books and every developer, beginner or not, should read it. Everyone knows that bad code can run but, if it is not clean, it can generate many problems. This book addresses exactly this topic.
Programmers spend countless hours and important resources due to poorly developed code. It doesn’t have to be that way, according to Robert C. Martin, author of the book. You will become a more effective programmer if you diligently practice the content of the book.

Competitive Programming (Steven Halim, Felix Halim and Suhendry Effendy)
This book is the bible on competitive programming. Worth reading it! Whether you are a beginning competitive programmer or a regular programmer, you should read this book to improve your skill.
This book contains an explanation of key algorithms and solution techniques for competitive programming, as well as examples of online judge problems where you need to use them.

HTML and CSS: Design and Build Websites (Jon Duckett)
This book, written by Jon Duckett, is one of the most recommended when your goal is to learn more about HTML & CSS. Ideal for professionals and students looking to design, build from scratch or have more control over an existing website.
Looking for the first time, a code can even be scary, but this book can put an end to this distorted view of codes and present a new way of seeing them.
That’s because is presents, in a very simple and visual way, a new topic with direct explanations followed by code samples. In it, you will learn how to organize yourself better and design your website pages so that you can create amazing websites that are very intuitive to use.
The programming area is always evolving so, it is important to constantly read about this subject.
The tech industry is constantly evolving, so it’s important to keep up to date.
Programming languages are always changing, which can be great for developers because it means that there will always be something new to learn. In addition, there are also new frameworks and libraries that are released every year. They are often much more powerful than what was available before and can completely change the way you code.
Programming tools like IDEs are also constantly evolving to make life easier for developers.
Benefits of reading
Programming is a complex skill that requires years of practice. One of the best ways to improve your skills is reading. Reading can be done in different ways, but the most important thing is that you read the right things.
Reading books on programming can be a great way to learn new techniques and improve your skills. It also helps you stay up to date with the latest trends in programming. But it’s not enough to just read a book or article, if you want to become a good programmer, you need to constantly read and try new things.
Programmers are constantly reading code, documentation, and manuals. Reading is essential to your profession; it’s the way they learn new concepts and technologies.
Reading is not just a passive activity for programmers. They read with purpose. They extract knowledge from the text and use that knowledge to solve problems.
A programmer’s reading habits can have a huge impact on their performance and long-term career evolution.
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