Healthy Home Office

Are you still working/studying from home? Read our text today that has tips on how to take care of your health while in Home Office

While some companies have already returned to the face-to-face work model, many are keeping their employees working from home. Certainly, for many of our readers, programmers or tech students, the home office is indeed a constant reality.

Being at home all day puts us face to face to many temptations that we wouldn’t have access to if we’re in an office. It is essential to have self-control and organization since you have to create your own rules.

Now, is it possible to stay healthy without leaving home? Of course, it is! And more than that, it is possible to greatly improve your quality of life. Read our text today to find out how to do this.

How To Take Care Of Your Health At Home Office

Here are some tips on how to improve your health while working from home:

1) Have A Proper Structure

Working from home doesn’t mean working in bed or from the couch. We know that’s tempting, but don’t fall for that temptation. As the days go by (may be even hours) your body will feel pain for not being in a suitable position for work.

You need a comfortable desk and chair, like the ones you have in your office. In addition, we also need a well-lit and airy environment. Working in dark rooms can be harmful to the eyes and closed spaces are a breeding ground for viruses and bacteria. The more suitable your job, the better your productivity.

2) Pay Attention To Your Diet

Weight gain has been a constant complaint from people who work from home. The combination of little exercise and unregulated eating can be very harmful to health if more energetic measures are not taken. The first step is to create a food routine: prioritize breakfast, lunch and dinner and have small snacks throughout the day.

Avoid industrialized, fatty and caloric foods, such as cookies, snacks, chocolates, and soft drinks. The secret is to not have them at home, because even if you want them, you won’t have them around. Invest in seeds, nuts, and dried fruits as an alternative to during the day. If you have doubts about what to eat, look for a nutritionist so that he can put together a specific menu.

A good idea is to think of a complete menu for your day that can meet your nutritional needs. Buy fruits to eat as snacks during your workday, in addition to being nutritious, they are tasty. Also keep a schedule for your meals, so you keep your body regulated and don’t skip a meal.

If you have trouble remembering your mealtimes, set an alarm to help you remember.

Don’t forget to drink lots of water to keep your body hydrated.

3) Exercise Yourself

Maintaining a routine of physical exercise is essential for our health. Take advantage of this moment to get out of the house, sunbathe and even meet friends.

The practice of physical exercise helps to reduce stress and anxiety, in addition to strengthening the body’s immune system.

Exercises can be strength, aerobics and stretching. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that adults should get 150 to 300 minutes of physical exercise per week (moderate and vigorous aerobic activities). This recommendation also includes people with chronic illnesses.

4) Get A Good Night Of Sleep

One of the biggest mistakes for those who work from home is to think that they can work at any time of the day, including changing the day for the night. Avoid doing this as much as possible, as it greatly impacts your productive capacity, whether you feel sleepy and tired throughout the day or anxiety at night.

Never forget that you need eight hours of sleep a night, preferably at the same time each day. Sleep in a dark and airy environment. Avoid taking your cell phone to bed before sleeping. The light from the screen in the eyes makes it harder for us to fall asleep, resulting in poor quality sleep.

5) Take Time For You And Your Family

Regardless of the type of activity you carry out or your workload, always set aside few hours in your day for you and your family. During this period, take the opportunity to relax by watching a movie or TV series, reading a good book or practicing any hobby that makes you feel good.

It is known that people work even harder when they are at home office, so don’t forget to leave some time for yourself.

The biggest secret to working from home is balance, so watch your routine and identify where you’re going wrong and try more and more to balance all the points mentioned above.

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