By Prof. Dr. Tiago Zonta
Programming practice in online environments, such as on programming platforms, as beecrowd, is essential to prepare students for the competitive IT job market.
In addition to developing advanced technical skills, these platforms provide a unique opportunity to tackle complex problems that simulate real-life situations, something that is not always possible in the classroom.
For young people aspiring to careers in large technology companies, this type of experience can be the difference that defines their professional trajectory.
Learning to solve challenges, improving logical reasoning and gaining confidence are just some of the benefits that these environments provide, allowing future professionals to stand out and always be one step ahead in the dynamic world of computing.
In this article, Prof. Dr. Tiago Zonta discusses why facing online challenges is so important and how it prepares young people for a career in technology. After all, anyone who wants to work in Big Tech needs to do more than just dream, they need to practice.
The Path to Training Market-Ready IT Professionals
A constant question I hear from students is: What challenges do I need to know how to solve to achieve what I want?
You will hardly find students in Computer Science courses who do not dream of working at a Big Tech company. Even coordinators and managers often bring up stories of successful professionals, and when these advertisements are from Big Tech companies, the story is different.
As coordinator of the Information Systems Course for almost 15 years, I can confirm that engagement is much greater when you bring in someone with a resume that has worked for a large technology company.
Now, the main question is: What is the difference between these professionals? What did they do differently?
The area of Computing is constantly growing, and nowadays, young people seem to understand a little more about what the area has to offer, but few really know the large size of the market in this area.
Computing requires dedication, and the more time you dedicate to it, the better results you will achieve. Knowledge of computational methods, algorithms and techniques creates a solid foundation and, consequently, differentiated professionals.
And that’s where online environments that bring challenges become so important. The motivation of knowing that you can solve a problem will give you confidence and a greater desire to learn. It’s the simple fact of understanding that it’s a kind of game: the more you practice and play, the better you get.
Today, we see an acceleration in the search for famous job openings. Young people want to have a financial return very early and are delighted with immediate results, thinking they have found the best job of their lives. And this is where many make a mistake, because they have acquired little computer knowledge and end up becoming dependent on technologies that, with advancement, can quickly become outdated. Thus, comes that famous complaint of doing something they don’t like, and that the computer field is not cool.
So, the tip is: Sometimes, it is worth “taking” longer to earn the much-dreamed-of figures in our IT area and dedicating time and study to challenging situations, such as those offered by online environments like beecrowd.
Programming in online environments, such as beecrowd, is an essential differentiator for those who want to stand out in the competitive IT job market. In addition to developing advanced technical skills, these environments provide students with the chance to tackle complex problems, simulating real-life situations that are often not encountered in the classroom.
I can say that the result will certainly come, and it will be different, because there will be situations in which you will be one of the few who can or know how to solve certain problems. And most importantly, it will give you time to continue learning and recycling yourself more frequently.
Remember: the fewer professionals who know about a solution, the more often you will be remembered!

Prof. Dr. Tiago Zonta is the Coordinator of the Information Systems Program at UNOESC – Chapecó.