How to stay updated

(6 minutes of reading)
Keeping updated in the IT market is essential, given the rapid evolution and constant changes that occur in this area. In this article we will give some suggestions to stay informed and updated in the technology market. Come read!


(7 minutes of reading)
In this article, we’ll explore what BFF is, how it works, and why it’s become such a crucial part of modern development. And for that, a seamless collaboration between different layers of technology is essential, and that’s where the BFF concept comes in. Come read!

Apache Cordova

(9 minutes of reading)
Do you know what Apache Cordova is? It is a framework that allows developers to create mobile applications once and deploy them on multiple platforms, avoiding the need to develop the same application multiple times for each specific platform. Interested? Come read our article on the subject!


(11 minutes of reading)
Do you know what Framework is? It’s a pre-built set of tools, libraries, and guidelines that provide reusable components to help developers build applications more efficiently and quickly. Interested in the subject?

Flutter x React Native

(6 minutes of reading)
It is impossible to program nowadays without using a framework. There are many on the market and Flutter and React Native are two of the most popular ones. What’s the difference between them? And which one is better to use in your project? Come read our text today to understand a little more about it.

How Many Programming Languages Are There?

(14 minutes of reading)
Programming languages are the tools for software developers, engineers, and coders. They allow us to communicate instructions to computers and create amazing applications. Do you have an idea of how many programming languages there are? Check this article and put an end to your questions!


(8 minutes of reading)
You have certainly heard of the HTML language, which is the basis for building web pages. Do you want to know more about this subject and delve deeper into the new HTML 5 version?

Books about JavaScript

(7 minutes of reading time)
If you’re looking to learn JavaScript or are an experienced developer looking for a reference, you’ve come to the right place. In today’s article, we recommend some of the best JavaScript books for programmers at all levels


(7 minutes of reading time)
Firebase is a platform developed by Google for building mobile and web apps. Want to know more about it? Come and read our text today!

Best Python Courses

(7 minutes of reading time)
Want to learn Python? In today’s article we explain about this programming language and list some of the best courses for those who want to get certified in the area. Check it out!