How to Perform Well in an IT Interview

Job interviews are always an uncomfortable moment for the candidate, as we never know for sure what to say and how to behave in front of the eyes of recruiters. It is not a very pleasant situation to be in front of people who are evaluating you, not only as a professional, but also as a person. In today's text, we'll give you some professional and personal tips on how to perform well in an IT job interview.

I’ve been writing here for months that the technology market is heated and now, in 2023, it’s no different. Despite the mass layoffs at big techs at the beginning of the year, the technology sector remains heated and, according to Forbes, there are currently 33,000 job openings in IT, with 24,000 openings in 2022, i.e., 38% increase.

If you are a programmer or student in the area looking for a job, or looking to change areas, this is the right time. And that’s what we’re going to talk about today, how to behave and do well in a job interview in the technology field. Come read and see our tips!

Tips On How To Perform Well In An It Job Interview

The first step to do well in a job interview (this goes for any area) is to show interest, perform well in the technical part and, above all, fight for the opportunity.

That done, here are some tips, especially for the IT area that will help you succeed in the interview.

1) Behavior

Job interview is a formal environment, however informal the company is, remember that during the interview it is important to maintain a certain formality.

Another very important aspect is the candidate’s personal values, which must be aligned to those of the company, so it is important to research the company before going to the interview.

Technical qualities are important, yes, but most of the time they can be improved, or even acquired over time, so recruiters are often more interested in the interviewee’s behavior and look for characteristics such as: proactivity, flexibility, resilience, willpower, creativity, leadership, and teamwork, so during the conversation they look for indicators for these characteristics.

The main attitude to take is to be authentic and sincere.

2) Communication

In any field of employment, it is essential to speak clearly and concisely so that your listener is not left in doubt about what you are talking about.

In a job interview, it is essential to communicate well. Know how to speak with authority when talking about a technical subject, but also know how to talk about different subjects and demonstrate general knowledge, especially if you want to grow in your career and reach management and leadership positions.

3) Don’t Be Afraid

A job interview isn’t just for you to point out all the successful things you’ve done in your career.

Don’t be afraid to talk about your failures and everything you learned from them, after all we learn a lot from our mistakes, and they are part of our lives.

4) Have Clear Objectives

Be objective in your answers, surprise the recruiter by answering the questions objectively and clearly, but also don’t be monosyllabic, explain your thoughts and point of view well.

5) Research About The Opportunity And Company

When researching the vacancy and company culture, you show interest, and this can count points for you. Read about the company and the services it offers. Show an interest in being part of the company’s group and culture.

6) Know How To Talk About Yourself And Your Experiences

Keep in mind that a job interview is just a conversation. Be yourself and try to act very naturally.

When talking about yourself and your career don’t boast, be concise and simple. Do not increase or decrease your achievements.

It is important for you to prepare yourself by remembering the companies and positions in which you worked, your biggest challenges, some problems you faced and how you solved them. It is also interesting to talk about some of the projects he has participated in. Also talk about your academic background, about the technologies you master (languages, cloud providers, frameworks, automation tools, etc.). Remembering that all this in a clear and summarized way.

7) Ask Questions

As we’ve said before, the interview is a conversation and there’s nothing more boring than a one-sided conversation where only one person asks. So, show interest in the vacancy and the company, ask pertinent and well-made questions. Some options are: what is the biggest challenge of the vacancy and/or company? What technologies used? What does the company expect from the hired professional?

8) Be Honest

Honesty is essential in a job interview.

When you say you know a specific program, the company expects you to play that role, if this is not true, it will harm you. So always tell the truth and show interest in learning and improving your knowledge.

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