Waterfall x Agile

There are two popular development methodologies: agile and waterfall. Both have their pros and cons, but how to choose the ideal one for your project?

There are two popular development methodologies: agile and waterfall. Both have their pros and cons, but how to choose the ideal one for your project?

The Agile methodology is all about short development cycles, called sprints. This means that features are developed and delivered incrementally, allowing for feedback and changes along the way.

The Waterfall methodology, on the other hand, focuses on delivering a complete product in one go. So, which one should you choose? That’s what we’ll be dealing with in this article. Follow the content and learn more!

What Is Waterfall Methodology?

Waterfall methodology is a linear approach to software development that is often contrasted with the more agile approach of scrum.

In the waterfall model, developers complete a development phase before moving on to the next phase. This contrasts with scrum, which uses an iterative approach in which all phases of development are completed for each sprint.

The main feature of the Waterfall model is its linearity. This means that each development phase must be completed before moving on to the next phase. This can often lead to delays if issues are discovered at later stages, as they must be fixed before proceeding.

The model is best suited for projects where requirements are well understood and unlikely to change. The main advantage of the waterfall model is its predictability.

Steps Of The Waterfall Methodology

The Waterfall methodology is a linear approach to software development that consists of eight distinct phases:


The project team considers several options, evaluates all of them, and develops the plan that will be implemented later. The plan will then be evaluated for its cost-effectiveness and will be finalized with an estimation of the entire project.


Task objectives, requirements, and schedule are carefully documented at this stage. Members will be convened or contracted to compose the team as it expands the scope of work with purpose, results, and objectives.


The requirements analysis step is followed by more detailed documentation training.


In this phase, designers develop storyboards, models, and wireframes to help visualize a project layout. They assess and review requirements, set team goals, develop an action plan, and the result is a clear framework.


In this step, developers break the software construction into its elements and start the process of coding these elements.


The software built goes through many tests to eliminate all errors. This often involves additional coding to fix the software’s source code.


The final product is used by consumers at this point.


Developers must create a support framework to support issues related to patches and bug fixes. Patches can also be used to add new features to stay competitive in the market.

What Is Agile Methodology?

The Agile methodology is a type of project management that is characterized by its iterative and incremental approach. It is a process that is designed to be flexible and responsive to change. Agile methodology is often used in software development projects, but it can be applied to other types of projects as well.

There are several key principles that underpin the agile methodology:

  • Individuals and interactions over processes and tools: The focus should be on the people involved in the project and how they interact with each other, not processes and tools.
  • Working software over comprehensive documentation: The priority should be to create working software rather than generating extensive documentation.
  • Customer collaboration on contract negotiation: There should be a focus on customer collaboration rather than contract negotiation.

Principles Of Agile Methodology

There are several concepts in Agile software development:

Lean Software Development

Agile development tends to focus on making the product as simple as possible. That is, they follow the most convenient steps to obtain high-quality results from the work. As a result, developers reduce complexity and bloat that can profoundly affect performance.


The methodology values teamwork. Teams must constantly work together and find ways to improve and become more efficient.

Customer Engagement

Agile requires customer operations and teams to collaborate closely so customers are fully satisfied with software improvements. This helps provide every change with an early release and feedback on the results for your highest level of service.


Rather than pressuring employees with faster deadlines and being given unfinished tasks, agile development means promoting more sustainable development modes.


Agile tests the product over an extended planning cycle, rather than just at completion. Short sprints allow the developer to constantly test for quality and provide feedback on the project.


The Agile methodology highlights the benefits of promoting needs correction, structure, deliverables, and design during project development. It is a great option for software development.

Differences Between Waterfall And Agile Methodology

There are several important differences between Waterfall and Agile methodology. Perhaps the most obvious difference is that Waterfall is a linear approach, while Agile is more interactive.

In other words, with Waterfall you complete one phase of the project before moving on to the next, while with Agile you work on small parts of the project simultaneously.

Another important difference is that in Waterfall there is more emphasis on documentation, while Agile relies more on face-to-face communication.

This can be traced back to the linear nature of Waterfall, where each phase needs to be clearly documented before proceeding, whereas with Agile, everyone is assumed to know what needs to be done and how it fits into the rest of the project.

Finally, due to its iterative nature, Agile is much more flexible and able to adapt to change than Waterfall.

If you want to read more about agile methodologies, check out this other article on our blog: Agile Methodologies

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